Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Les Miserables. A musical. A lifestyle choice.

The colours of the world, are changing day by day. 
The blood of angry men!
The dark of ages past!

So Les Miserables came out. I have only been waiting for this for about 5 years. Ok, 8. And only waiting in earnest since the teaser trailers came out. And planning to see it since November when the UK release date was in December so I would have been able to see it with home-friends who are equally obsessed (Anne).

Its been out 5 days. I saw it opening night, and then again yesterday.
That was slightly by accident. I was on my way home from shopping. It made sense at the time. It's not like I had lots of planning to do.......
(And only one person remembered that it was a plan I told them about after seeing it with them Friday night. out of 20ish)

Anyway. It took me till after seeing it the second time to realise how an obvious illusion knit was staring me in the face. The logo, done in Red and Black.

I made the pattern. I have it, it's currently on needles to be completed this weekend (Bah Work. Why you make me no knit all time?!) and then I will upload. I want the first one. I am also very obsessed so will have a nice time all weekend knitting it up in front of my two different concert DVDs of Les Mis, or listening to one of the 3 variations of soundtrack CDs.

My housemates, by the by, are suprisingly relaxed about my constant and consistent singing of Les Mis songs at them. One commented that it will never stop being funny, and tells me that I have a 'Les Mis face' which is apparently awesome and benefits from the frequent bouts of excited jumping.
I'm just glad they haven't chucked me out to go sing in a bar or while walking around town.
Which is also massive amounts of fun. Just saying.

The world about to dawn.
The night that ends at last!

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