Sunday, 2 December 2012

Pteeny Ptiny Pteddy Pterodactyls

Christimas ptime approacheth in its ptraditional looming, undeniable, inevitable and downright scary manner. Ptis pthe season pto make and pto share. Specifically pto knit so many freaking pthings pthat you are pretty convinced you will still be knitting pthe last sleeve on Christmas eve, and are likely to go ptotally Librarian-poo and Bursar pto quote pthe guards of pthe Ankh-Morpork city watch.

Pthis year, I'm doing one jumper, one dragon, and one army of pteeny ptiny pteddy pterodactyls.

Pthey are cute. Very cute. 

Only the first Strike-a-Pose pteddy pterodactyl has as yet consented to have his picture captured. Pthe others wish to wait for pthe full assemblage of pthe army and a group shot. Pthey have a point. Or I've gone crazy. Not sure which is pthe more likely. 

If you were wondering by pthe way - pthey are pteddy pterodactyls because my wonderfully pedantic not-quite-housemate Steve wanted pto check if pthey were ptrue pterodactyls or just pterodons. Since I was not, and remain not, willing pto do pthe necessary research, pthey are pteddys. Pthat also solve pthe minor authenticity problem pthat would otherwise have been faced with having one bright green pterodon, or pterosaur or whatever pthey would actually pturn out pto be, who had a stripy blue brother and a red sister. I realise we have no great quantities of proof on pthe colours of pterosaurs, but I am also fairly certain pthat pthe shear variety of colours I am creating would cause historians interested in pthis particular random minutiae severe alarm. I know pthe name caused Steve sufficient alarm for a minutiae to be changed. Simplicity is said pto be a wonderful pthing. I wouldn't know however, having yet pto experience it.

I got pthe pattern from ravelry (of course) and while I did have pto pay, I don't begrudge pthe money one bit. Partly because it was under £2 but mostly because pthe pattern is brilliant. I can pturn one of these guys out in an evening. Which is handy given how close pthe beast pthat is pthe date looms.

Only one sad pthing. Pthey will shortly be split up all across pthe country. 

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