Wednesday, 13 February 2013


Today is Ash Wednesday.

Time for serious thoughts. Not my usual bag I know, but bear with me please.

Lent is begun. The traditional time for giving things up, for becoming better human beings in the time that Christ spent wondering in the desert, tried, tormented and tempted by the devil.

There are many things I should consider giving up. Alcohol. Caffeine. Chocolate. The problem is that due to recent exponential increases in stress levels at work, these are the closest thing to a way of dealing with work. Not alcohol. The other two. It is reasonably frequent that I will say to a passing colleague - "Tea is the closest thing I have to sanity"

So instead, I am choosing the other moderately traditional route. I am taking something up, in order to try to be a better person.

Before you point out the flaws in me taking up something I already do as a semi-serious hobby, I'd like to clarify. Which I realise- since I am writing this not speaking- I could have done already, but .... whatever.

I'm taking up specific knitting. Due to my obsession with illusion knitting several friends who have previously not cared one infinitesimal jot about my knitting have recently been giving suggestions as to what I should illusionate. One suggested a portrait of Jesus and/or Mary, which I may do soon. He got me thinking though.

I found a truly beautiful photo of a cross on the internet, which the photographer had been kind enough to allow many privileges of use. This I have transformed into illusion knit pattern form.

Please do not use this pattern for personal profit.

I intend to knit this up several times during the course of lent, as a form of active prayer. The creations I will then sell on eBay, profits to go to charity.

I hope you don't mind that for once I have been talking about real things, not my lack of organisation or will power. I will shortly revert to that theme, but for now: good luck with your Lent endeavours, in whatever form they take.

For those of you who bore with me till the end, here is something for your troubles.